关于经纪人费用的附录 is used with TREC residential sales 合同 (i.e., 一至四户住宅合约, 未被利用的属性, 新屋 合同). This form documents the payment of 经纪人’ fees in the transaction, including from a listing broker or seller to a buyer’s broker.

注:本附录不应与 农场和牧场合同 (TREC 25-15; TXR 1701), which already contains provisions regarding broker fees in the contract.

一个款. 附录的控制. 如果本增编与销售合同有任何冲突,本段声明, 本附录的条款将控制.

段B. 费用. Insert the county in Texas where the fees must be paid in cash. This county can be the where your brokerage office, 2021十大正规彩票app, or the title company that is closing the transaction is located.

段C. 上市经纪费用. 本段指出,卖方将向上市经纪人支付一笔费用,该费用将在单独的书面协议中规定.e.(上市协议).

段D. 其他经纪费用.  This paragraph states that the buyer’s broker may be paid by the seller or listing broker, 取决于哪个盒子, 如果有任何, 检查. 也, 该条规定,买方应按照单独的书面协议(即买方经纪人)的规定,向买方经纪人支付任何剩余款项.e.,买方代表协议).  Any payment from the seller or listing broker will be applied before the buyer’s payment. Both D(1) 和 D(2) may be checked depending on how the buyer’s broker will be paid.

注意: 如果买方经纪人从上市经纪人或卖方那里获得的补偿超过了买方和买方经纪人先前在买方代理协议中商定的金额, 买方的经纪人将需要修改代理协议,以使买方授权买方的经纪人接收全部金额.

  • 段D(1) (Listing Broker Pays Buyer’s Broker). 只有当上市经纪人同意根据单独的书面协议(如 经纪人补偿协议 (TXR 2402). 填上约定的付款金额.

D(1)段中插入的金额可以 change the amount agreed to in the separate compensation agreement. 如果存在冲突,则以单独的赔偿协议中规定的金额为准.

  • D(2)段(卖方支付给买方经纪人). Check this box only if the seller agrees to pay the buyer’s broker. If you check D(2), you also need to check either D(2)(a) or D(2)(b). 不要同时检查.
  • 段D (2) (a). 只有当卖方同意使用单独的书面协议(如 经纪人与业主之间的赔偿协议 (TXR 2401). 填上约定的付款金额.

D(2)(a)款中插入的金额不改变单独赔偿协议中约定的金额. 如果存在冲突,则以单独的赔偿协议中规定的金额为准.

  • 段D (2) (b). 只有当卖方同意支付买方的经纪人作为销售合同的一部分时,才勾选此框. 插入支付的金额.

注意: 本款规定了卖方向买方经纪人支付指定费用的新义务. 只有在卖方和买方的经纪人之前没有单独的协议时,才勾选此框, 如 经纪人与业主之间的赔偿协议 (TXR 2401). This addendum is the agreement between the parties.

段E. 授权. This paragraph authorizes the title company to disperse funds in accordance with this addendum.


What box do we check if the seller agrees to pay the buyer’s broker fee?

First, check the box next to 段D(2) which states, “Seller shall pay.然后检查D(2)(a)或D(2)(b)或两者, depending on which contract is used to establish buyer broker’s compensation.

  • 如果卖方已与买方的经纪人签署了单独的赔偿协议,请勾选D(2)(a), 比如 经纪人与业主之间的赔偿协议 (TXR 2401).
  • 如果卖方同意支付任何买方的经纪人费用作为销售合同项下的附加条款,请勾选D(2)(b). 此选项为卖方创造了一项新义务,如本附录所述,卖方有义务支付买方的中介费.

What is the difference between the seller paying buyer’s broker’s fee in the 关于经纪人费用的附录 (TXR 2406) 和 the seller paying buyer’s expenses under Paragraph 12 of the sales contract?

  • TREC住宅销售合同第12A条允许双方同意卖方将支付买方费用的协商金额. “Buyer’s expenses” is a defined term in the contract 和 does 不 include broker fees. 买方的费用包括评估费、贷款发起费和信用报告等项目.
  • 第D(2)(a)和D(2)(b)段 关于经纪人费用的附录 (TXR 2406)允许双方同意卖方将专门支付买方的经纪人费用. This is a separate obligation from paying buyer’s expenses under Paragraph 12.
  • Both provisions can be used depending on what expense seller agrees to contribute to, either buyer’s expenses under the sales contract, 附录项下买方的经纪人费用, 或者两者的组合.

关于经纪人费用的附录 (TXR 2406),每笔交易都需要?

不, 关于经纪人费用的附录 (TXR 2406) does 不 have to be used in every transaction. 但是,当卖方同意根据销售合同向买方的经纪人支付费用时,应使用该信用证. In that case, 段D2(b) must be checked to specify the amount 和 authorize the payment. 中列出的其他选项 关于经纪人费用的附录, 该表格仍可用于向业权公司提供有关双方如何处理中介费的资料. 因此,使用它会很好,但不是必需的.

什么时候? 关于经纪人费用的附录 (TXR 2406)已执行?

关于经纪人费用的附录 在买卖合同中,卖方同意向买方支付中介费时使用. It can be included as part of an offer package delivered to a seller. It may also be executed later in the transaction.

业权公司、出借人等将如何处理. 知道该付多少钱 关于经纪人费用的附录 (TXR 2406)未使用?


可以的 关于经纪人费用的附录 (TXR 2406) be used in an intermediary transaction?

Yes, form can be used in an intermediary transaction. 该表格向业权公司通知双方就支付中介费达成的协议. 也, 卖方和买方授权产权公司按照先前的赔偿协议分配资金, 在这种情况下, 上市和买方代表协议.


If the seller 和 the buyer will pay their own 经纪人:

  • 除上市协议和买方代表协议外,不需要额外的补偿协议.
  • 的 representation agreements authorize the title company to pay broker fees.

If the listing broker agrees to pay the buyer’s broker:

  • 经纪人补偿协议 (TX 2402). Executed by the listing broker 和 buyer’s broker before the offer is presented.
  • 关于经纪人费用的附录 (TX 2406). 由卖方和买方签署,并可作为交付给卖方的要约包的一部分. It may also be executed later in the transaction.
  • Check box D(1) 和 insert the agreed upon amount.
    • 注:D(1)段的功能与位于第10页底部的薪酬披露相同 一至四户住宅合约. It 不ifies the title company of the broker-to-broker compensation agreement. If the only fee the buyer’s broker receives is from the listing broker, you can insert the amount on Page 10 of the sales contract 和 would 不 need to use 关于经纪人费用的附录 (TXR 2406).

If the seller agrees to pay the buyer’s broker using a separate compensation agreement:

  • 经纪人与业主之间的赔偿协议 (TXR 2401). 由卖方和买方的经纪人签署.
  • 关于经纪人费用的附录 (TXR 2406). 由卖方和买方签署,并可作为交付给卖方的要约包的一部分. It may also be executed later in the transaction. 复选框D(2) 方框D(2)(a),并填上议定的金额.

If the seller agrees to pay the buyer’s broker as part of the sales contract:

  • 关于经纪人费用的附录 (TXR 2406). 由卖方和买方签署,并可作为交付给卖方的要约包的一部分. It may also be executed later in the transaction. 复选框D(2) 方框D(2)(b)并填上商定的金额.

注意: 如果买方的经纪人将从多个来源获得补偿,则可以在D项下勾选多个复选框. 例如, if the listing broker 和 seller both agree to pay a portion of buyer’s broker’s fee, 复选框D(1) box D(2)(a) or (b) inserting the appropriate amounts under each paragraph.


免责声明:上述信息是作为一般指南提供的,不打算也不应该被视为法律意见. 使用表格及填写表格的方式,须视乎双方的需要而定.